
Stoneclan - Stickclan - Cats Outside Clans - Starclan - The Whisker Domain - MIA

The Whisker Domain

First Meow

Tulip "Tulip" of the First Meow, Shedder of Cloud, Rightful Ruler of All Cats

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location: White Twoleg Nest, South of Twoleg Nursery

Note: our founder

Second Meow

Dusty "Dusty" of the Second Meow, Cat of Few Words, Prince and Heir of All Cats (Eirlin)

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location: White Twoleg Nest, South of Twoleg Nursery

Note: our founder's chosen heir

Caspian "Caspian" of the Second Meow, Finder of Truths, Teller of Lies (Questy)

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location: Blue Twoleg Nest, North of Stoneclan Territory

Note: to be contacted if Tulip and Dusty are locked in

Third Meow

Mercury "Mercy" of the Third Meow, The Celestial Blaze, Brave Beyond Her Power (Aqua)

Availability: Most Days (Allowed Outside)

Location: Rebuilt Twoleg Nest, North of Stoneclan Territory

Note: owes a mouse to Caspian

Sparkle "Sparkle" of the Third Meow, Whistle of the Wind, Predictor of Clouds (Fernbug)

Availability: Most Days, (Allowed Outside)

Location: Tall Twoleg House, North of Stoneclan Territory

Note: can locate north twolegplace kittypets

Tarot "Tarot" of the Third Meow, Upholder of Sanctuary, Conqueror of Gardens (Goat Boi)

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location: Twoleg Nest with many pointy-hatted false Twolegs in yard, South of Twoleg Nursery

Note: in case of an emergency, the warm room under Tarot's nest should be used

Pixel "Pixel" of the Third Meow, The Invincible Claws, Protector of the Morning (Puddlepebble)

Availability: Most Days, (Allowed Outside)

Location: Monster-Attached Twoleg Nest, East of Stoneclan Territory

Note: only should be allowed to fight in an emergency

Crabcake "Crabby" of the Third Meow, Wisdom of Yesterday, Predictor of Tomorrow


Availability: Almost Never

Location: Unknown

Note: not sure where they are from, but we appreciate Crabby's help

Porsche "Porsche" of the Third Meow, Diamond Without The Rough, Tamer of Twolegs (Moonerell)

Availability: Often, but won't be seen in poor weather

Location: Twoleg Den with fake birds

Note: send cats who need to be groomed and fed home with her for a night. Twolegs seem unbothered by strays.

Louve "Louve" of the Third Meow, The Righteous Heart, Shield of All (Juno) (designed by fire)

Availability: Most Days (allowed outside)

Location: Twoleg Den with Herb Garden

Note: indimidating enough we don't need to worry about fighting. bring with you on missions.

Mister Spoon Fork "Spork" of the Third Meow, Leaper of Snow, Fiercest Tailwind (Sheep)

Availability: Most Days (allowed outside)

Location: Twoleg Den Made of Stones

Note: don't overwork them, find someone else to manage nights

Fourth Meow

Bluepelt "Pelly" of the Fourth Meow, Revealer of Sticks, Ultimate Justice

Availability: Nearly Always (no Twolegs)

Location: Warm den under Twoleg Nursery

Note: formerly Stickclan, estranged from sister

Gilgamesh "Gilgamesh, The Great Destroyer" of the Fourth Meow, The Great Destroyer, Leaper of any Obstacle (Juan)

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location: Twoleg Nest with metal fence, North of Stoneclan Territory


Jenny "Jenny" of the Fourth Meow, Blessed by Survival, Friend of Any

Availability: Almost Never (twolegs currently cautious)

Location: Twoleg Nest with pond, South of Twoleg Nursery

Note: currently recovering from attack by Stickclan Warriors

Hamburger With Cheese "BURGER" of the Fourth Meow, Birdslayer, Keeper of those Without a Home

Availability: Sometimes (if twoleg kits are not being cared for)

Location: Room in upper Twoleg Nursery

Note: takes job with the twolegs seriously

Jester "Jester" of the Fourth Meow, Infinite Barrier, The Silent Pounce

(Ky) (Designed by Ren)

Availability: Frequent (allowed out, sometimes left out)

Location: Noisy Twoleg Den

Note: used to be hard to hear approach. We should find a way to remove the bell.

Visions Cattery's Lunar Eclipse Cascade "Luna" of the Fourth Meow, Humble but Proud, The Wind In The Trees


Availability: Sometimes (has a way to sneak out)

Location: Massive Twoleg Den

Note: keep out of dangerous situations; we don't want trouble with the others

Wiley "Wiley" of the Fourth Meow, Finder of Treats, The Blurple Sky


Availability: Daily (twolegs has schedule)

Location: Glowing Twoleg Den

Note: no, I don't know what a "gnocchi" is either

Carnation Abyssinians Lightly-Toasted By Wyvernfire "Wyvern" of the Fourth Meow, The Sincere Glow, Climber of Mountains


Availability: Often (escapes easily unnoticed)

Location: Twoleg Den Crowded with Kittens

Note: sometimes taken on "trips"- don't assume too quickly when missing.

Tigon "Tigon" of the Fourth Meow, Tiger's Claws, Lion's Spirit

(Red Symphony)

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location: Twoleg Den With Paint Smell

Note: owes Caspian FOUR mice

Fifth Meow

CRAIG "Crag" of the Fifth Meow, The Keen Eye

Availability: Infrequent (must sneak out)

Location: Tall Twoleg Nest, South of Twoleg Nursery

Note: craig

Simon "Simon" of the Fifth Meow, Creator of Enemies (mousei)

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location: Twoleg Nest with three dead Monsters, North of Stoneclan Territory

Note: might cause trouble if left alone

Isabel "Ellie" of the Fifth Meow, The Quick Wit


Availability: Infequent (twoleg has schedule)

Location: Twoleg Nest with colorful flags, South of Twoleg Nursery

Note: has an adverse reaction to sun, alongside Cupid, and will not be allowed out on sunny days

Cupid "Cupid" of the Fifth Meow, Cat of Many Hearts

Availability: Infequent (twoleg has schedule)

Location: Twoleg Nest with colorful flags, South of Twoleg Nursery

Note: has an adverse reaction to sun, alongside Ellie, and will not be allowed out on sunny days

Apollo "Apollo" of the Fifth Meow, The Burning Sun (fire)

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location:Twoleg den with one thin monster

Note: Picks up quickly, but seems stubborn. Motivate with food.

Artemis "Artemis" of the Fifth Meow, The Hidden Moon (Ren)

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location: Twoleg den with one thin monster

Note: Keen senses. Could be trained to keep watch, if we can find a suitable teacher. Maybe one of the Stoneclan cats?

Cosmo "Cosmo" of the Fifth Meow, Waterfowl's Grace (Skye)

Availability: Nearly Always (cat door)

Location: Den behind the twoleg Nursery's Monster Nap Area

Note: keep him watched, some cat aggression issues there

Sixth Meow

Featherwind "Feather" of the Sixth Meow, Redeemed Prince of Cats (willow)

Availability: Nearly Always (no Twolegs)

Location: Warm den under Twoleg Nursery

Note: one of Tulip's children, returned

Honeystorm "Storm" of the Sixth Meow, Pinnacle of Loyalty (cat)

Availability: Nearly Always (no Twolegs)

Location: Warm den under Twoleg Nursery

Note: trained under Tulip

Bramblefawn "Fawn" of the Sixth Meow, The North Star (bloodhush)

Availability: Nearly Always (no Twolegs)

Location: Warm den under Twoleg Nursery

Note: seemingly has an affinity for our lifestyle

Tigerpounce "Tiger" of the Sixth Meow, Champion of Wildcats (antebrazen)

Availability: Nearly Always (no Twolegs)

Location: Warm den under Twoleg Nursery

Note: very powerful, but much more controlled than Pixel in a fight

The Kicker "Kicks" of the Sixth Meow, Shredder of Monsters (Chrisstuff)

Availability: Nearly always

Location: Unsure as of yet, doesn't sleep here

Note: don't provoke

Junior Meow

Fredrick "Freddy" of the Junior Meow

Availability: Only in the Daytime (cat door otherwise)

Location: Yellow Twoleg nest, North of Stoneclan Territory

Note: mute, and young, so should have an escort

Bel "Bel" of the Junior Meow

Availability: Nearly Always (no Twolegs)

Location: Warm den under Twoleg Nursery

Note: found abandoned, we are working towards finding Bel some twolegs, and young, so should have an escort

Heather "Heather" of the Junior Meow

Availability: Nearly Always (no Twolegs)

Location: Warm den under Twoleg Nursery

Note: Storm's daughter, will do well joining us so early, and young, so should have an escort

Thursday "Thursday" of the Junior Meow (bingbing)

Availability: Usually (if twolegs aren't being cared for)

Location: Room in upper Twoleg Nursery

Note: Burger's trainee, adopted recently by adult twolegs

Ravioli "Ravioli" of the Junior Meow

Availability: At Night

Location:Twoleg Elders Den

Note:Seems to be locked out at nightfall. Needs escort nightly.